The women you see in our campaign have all given birth to healthy babies by now. With Mother’s Day around the corner, we’ve asked them some quick questions about their first months of motherhood. First up: Cyra Leurs, a neurologist resident, and mom of Augustus (Guus).
The first months were…“Fantastic, intense and exhausting! My pregnancy went smoothly, as well as the birth. Physically, I recovered super quickly. I know that’s not the case for every woman. After 4 weeks I was able to ride my bike again! But those sleepless nights; they’re heavy!”
Cliche, but true“They say time flies, so enjoy it - and that’s totally true! Guus is 6 months old by now, and he’s definitely not a newborn anymore!”
The type of mom I turned out to be“I always thought I’d never co-sleep with my baby, and I said I’d stop breastfeeding after 3 months. Oops - he still sleeps with me, and I still breastfeed, haha! And when it comes to those sleepless nights; I now feel that as long as I can rest, I’ll be fine. I don’t stress about how many hours of sleep I get, and I feel a lot more relaxed because of that.”
“A hell of a ride. Okay, that’s 5 words - but I mean it in a positive way!”
On maternity leave“I consciously took some extra time off - 3 months before and 3 months after the birth. Best choice ever, I felt no stress whatsoever, and I had the time to do everything I wanted.”
Best tip for the first months“Expectation management. Don’t expect too much. Of yourself. Of your partner. It’s just very heavy and you can both have a short fuse, but that’s part of the deal. Oh, and don’t get too many visitors in the weeks after giving birth.”